What is the Difference Between Cashmere and Pashmina ?

What is the Difference Between Cashmere and Pashmina ?

 The main difference between cashmere and pashmina is that pashmina is very fine and softer than cashmere.

 It’s not wrong to say that pashmina is a type of cashmere. Generally, pashmina is considered to be a higher quality of cashmere.





• Cashmere is a fine and soft wool that is used to make yarn, textiles, and clothing.

• Obtained from various types of Himalayan goats.

• Not as soft as fine as Pashmina

• Has a diameter between 16 and 19 microns.

• More widely available.

• Comparatively easy to spin.


 Pashmina is a type of very fine, soft wool made from Changthangi goats

• Obtained from one specific type of Himalayan goat.

• Has a very fine and soft texture

• Has a diameter between 12 and 16 microns.

• Difficult to obtain.

• Comparatively difficult to spin.



The main difference between cashmere and pashmina is their texture. Pashmina has a very fine and soft texture. Although cashmere also has a soft and fine texture, an expert may find it coarse in texture when compared to pashmina.


 At Indus Weavers, our shawl styles range from traditional and timeless to fashion-forward and contemporary. We offer exquisite embellishments and intricate designs fondly cherished as treasured heirlooms.
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